Ummu sharekan beberapa testimoni dari blogger2 famous amos..hehe mereka memakai premium beautiful khas untuk cantik di hari perkahwinan mereka. Orang dah sedia cantik dan jelita, memang terserlah keayuan ratu sehari. Hasil dari pemakaian premium beautiful yang berterusan hasilnya memang berbaloi-baloi..
Kredit From Aishah Amin
Getting In Shape For The Wedding!
You might remember this post I wrote few weeks ago. Well, guess what? (i know, you're probably not guessing anyways) LOL. I bought myself a Premium Beautiful Corset:) Just in case you don't know what it is, it looks something like this:
Trust me, this would be a great investment for those of you who want to lose weight or want to have a bit more shape. Plus you can keep it and use it after you give birth coz it has a lifetime warranty, totally worth every single penny(or cent)! A bit more on Premium Beautiful, it contains Far Infrared Rays(F.I.R). The corset will immediately react to your body by improving your blood circulation it keeps the body warm and burns fat without you even noticing!
However, there are some symptoms that you might feel which include back pain, headache, feeling warm at the stomach area, itchiness and gas. But not to worry, the symptoms are only temporary as our body is just reacting to getting rid of the toxins inside. Luckily for me, I've only been having gas(sendawa/kentut2) and a bit of itchiness here and there along these 2 weeks plus that I've been using it. Best part is, when i'm wearing PB, i don't feel hungry and i feel full almost all the time. I've lost 2 kilos and I'm staring to see some reduction in my tummy area:) I do still have a long way to go, but insyaAllah I will be updating my progress from time to time!
Watch out people! the next time you see me, imma be transformed! :D
kredit from Irine Nadia Marcello
Apa yang anda tahu about "corset" ?
kali ni, apa yang anda tau about "corset". Ni special for kaum
perempuan lah. Kaum perempuan yang selalunya dan arif about corset. Yes,
now ramai dah yang try corset. Mereka guna before their big day. Untuk
kelihatan lebih ramping dan ada "shape" apabila mengenakan baju wedding
mereka. Alaaa..ruginya kalau time your big day, baju dah cantik, baju
dah mahal, but dari jauh dan dari dekat nampak macam ada yang x kena je.
Nampak macam x terletak.
Before ni, irine sendiri pernah post about corset by PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL yang Irine dapatkan from Kak Xue.
Owh before that, corser Premium Beautifu ni bukan tertumpu pada wanita
yang ingin berkawen je, tapi untuk wanita yang ingin mengembalikan
bentuk asal badan selepas berpantang :) Nak tengok tak contoh yang
betol-betol ketara? Tapi yang ni modelnya bukan aku lahh, yang ni kawan
dan testimoni daripada Kak Xue ni. hehe. jangan salah sangka lak :P
Boleh nampak tak perubahan di
atas ? hehe. Kawan Sis Xue ni dia dalam proses berpantang. And mula-mula
dia x nak pon beli corset PB ni. But dia saje-saje je try PB ni. See?
Hanya dalam 5 minit je, dah transform jadi cam dalam gambar di atas.
Yang tu baru pakai 5 minit, kalau hari-hari amalkan 8 jam jam sehari,
cuba you all imaginekan apa hasilnya? hehe.Selalunya, yang baru lepas
bersalin, yang nak shapekan semula bentuk badan,boleh lah try Premium
Beautiful ni.
Perasan tak masa zaman mak-mak
kita dulu, diorang bersusah payah pakai "bengkung".Dulu pon Irine sndiri
pelik, ape lahhhh benda alah yang banyak tali-tali berlilit-lilit (
masa tu irine x tau benda alah tu bengkung.haha). Rupa-rupanya bengkung.
haihhh..seksanya tengok dengan tali berlilit-lilit bagai. Dengan PB je,
just sarungg jeee! X sampai beberapa minit dah selesa pakai. Complete
dari atas ke bawah!
Khas buat yang lepas bersalin, mahu berkawen, mahu cantik di hari raya ^_^
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